Monday, May 25, 2015

The good old' days of educational TV/Les bon vieux jours de la télé éducative

I miss those days when History television was about museums and historical docs, not swamps and pawn shops! Thankfully, YouTube took the torch and you can find a whole lot of very interesting, educative stuff on there. Lately, I discovered the Periodic videos series, as part of a chemistry app I downloaded on my new smartphone (you never have too much time on your hands when you're curious!) and the whole Crash Course series with Hank and John Green and the super cute and super funny animations of Thought Café! Here's a sample of Crash Course World History:

That's just Crash Course History but there's also Crash Course Chemistry, Crash Course Astronomy, Crash Course Biology...

Most of the strip, though, is a little tribute to another science show I watched as a kid called "C'est pas Sorcier" (roughly translateable to "It's not complicated" or "It's not rocket science") that I caught on TFO in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

The main set of the series was in a truck that travelled around. Inside, Jamy was describing the phenomenas at work using very well-built maquettes while his two co-hosts Fred and Sabine are on the field visiting steel mills, train stations, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants...depending on the subject.

The 'verse is completed by Marcel, the driver of the truck who is never seen and "La Petite Voix" ("The Little Voice"), the narrator.

Je m'ennuie du temps ou la télé historique nous parlait de musés plutôt que de nous servir de la télé-"réalité" dans la bouette! Heureusement que Youtube prend la relève. Dernièrement, j'ai un petit coup de coeur pour une série en anglais qui s'appelle Crash Course (voir la vidéo d'en haut) avec les frères Green et surtout les animations délicieuses de Thought Bubble/Thought Café.

Les francophones de ma génération se rappelleront aussi des Débrouillards de Radio-Canada avec Gregory Charles et la regrettée Marie-Soleil Tougas. de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, il y'avait "C'est pas Sorcier" avec Jamy, Fred et Sabine dans leur camion chauffé par Marcel, avec "La P'tite Voix" jamais trop loin.

En haut voici C'est pas Sorcier sur les félins et pour pas que Sooky et Mittaines se chialent trop...