Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm a poor lonesome cowboy
I'm a long, long way from home
And this poor lonesome cowboy
S'got a long, long way to roam
Over mountains, over prairies
From dawn 'till day is done
My horse and me keep riding
Into the setting sun!

This little guy here, I grew up with him! It's the cartoon cowboy created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. His name is Lucky Luke and he shoots faster than his own shadow! It the Cowboys vs. Indians cliché, Lucky Luke often comes up as the voice of reason. I'm not sure if the books are available in english in your area, but "Canyon Apache", "Chasseur de Primes" and "Le Vingtième de Cavalerie" and the awesome, marvelously well-done western cartoon, Daisy Town, which I've seen in english on Youtube.

There are guys who, go figure, 
Have a problem with a gun
And a finger on a trigger 
Can be dangerous, hurt someone
But problems solve much better
By keeping calm and true
My horse and me keep riding
I ain't nobody's fool

Saddly enough, for a pretty young generation of kids in Canada, this is as close as we got of native american culture in our early years and that cartoon came from Europe! I'm preparing a longer article on this as well as similar stuff on Astérix and Tintin, it's like homework about cartoons but it's going to take more time and I know you guys are here for the cartoons above all, so enjoy the rottie in a cowboy suit.

On le connait tous...

On l'appelle Lucky Luke, de l'est au far west!
Il arrive au galop, le cowboy, hello!
Son tire est plus rapide, plus rapide que son ombre.
Et ron révolver va plus vite que l'éclair
Oh, sacré Lucky Luke!

Oups, pendant un moment j'ai pensé aimer la musique country, moi là! 
Franchement avec les crises qu'on connaît dans le coin actuellement, on aurait besoin d'un justicier à tête froide comme lui! Je prépare un article plus long là-dessus. En attendant, enjoyez l'hommage au cowboy solitaire préféré de la francophonie. Je prépare aussi des hommages à Astérix et à Tintin.